Breathing ...
Being ...
Brushing ...

Yingge Xu, an ink brush artist, meditator and art teacher. I grew up in a traditional Chinese family where I was surrounded with all the cultural elements and atmosphere. Since my early childhood, I was following my father when he was practicing Tai Qi, meditation and calligraphy, even though, I had no clue what I was doing, I pretended that I knew exactly what is Yin and Yang. I can still remember when he put my hand on my dantian (丹田, dān tián, the lower part of the belly) and explained how to bring the Qi to this place and warm my body in cold weather. I learned "concentrate on my food when I'm eating...", and everything else starts from here.
Finding a Deeper Meaning Through Your Brush
"Mind, Heart and your Hand will come to the connection through your Brush".
I believe ink painting/ calligraphy is not only an art format, but also a way to get connected with yourself, to be present and to know yourself...

I always draw since the first time I can hold a pen, then I never put it down. I studied different art format, such as oil, acrylic, watercolor and until I got my first ink brush set from my father as a gift, I felt I found a lost friend that has been waiting for me all these past years. I fall in love with this beautiful and special art format. I studied in China Flower and Bird Painting Institute and continued my learning with ink brush artists from China, Japan and throught the wisdom that left from our ancestors thousand years ago.
Moving to Ireland since 2015, I found it pretty amazing how meditation was applied in different culture settings and also it brought me a new perspective of my art and culture background. This led the roads to join where I found a deeper level of meditative presence and art practice as a ‘’wholeness’’ experience instead of two separate activities. And that’s where you meet the Dao. Now I feel more than privileged and humbled to share with you what I have learned and be honored to walk with you in this Meditative Ink Brush Journey.
Painting is like another format of meditation. When you are not looking for the perfect art result but just focus on your inner self, your breath, your being, you will find your hand will start to paint by itself.
''It is not me who paint the flower, but the flower presents itself through my brush''
If You Would Like to Know More Information About Me or My Classes, Please Feel Free to Reach Out.

Calligraphy * Ink Painting * Workshops * Event Demos
Calligraphy & One Stroke Painting

The ''Four Gentlemen"

Birds & Flowers
